Sunday 10 June 2012

Exiting projects on cleanliness

There are many projects and awareness campaigns which are started by provincial as well as federal government. Following are some campaigns and projects:

·         Municipal Services Department Rawalpindi has cleaned 23 Union Councils (UCs) of Rawalpindi city and removed so far 8,000 tons of garbage during the grand cleanliness campaign. Under the special cleanliness campaign, so far 23 (UCs) have been cleared while overall 16 k m sewerage lines have also been cleaned.

·         Clean Lahore project is a new project of Punjab government. Work on this project is speedily in progress on the 320 million dollar project for modernizing cleanliness system in the provincial metropolis with the collaboration of Turk companies. It’s a public welfare project that would ensure at any cost with the cooperation of the people. The aim of this project is that Lahore will be made the most beautiful city of the world by removing garbage.

·         Another campaign is started in Karachi educational institutions organized a 'cleaning the beach campaign', at Sea View beach, it was organized by students of DHA. More than 500 students of DHA Model High School, wearing colorful caps and specially prepared aprons and gloves, along with the teaching staff and a large number of janitorial work forces participated in the massive cleaning of the beach with great zeal and enthusiasm. The students reaffirmed the motto 'do not litter, let Karachi glitter'.  The aim of campaign was to create environmental awareness in society and to nurture the ecological environment of earth.

There are many other campaigns and projects which are working to keep cleanliness in the country but there is a need of more projects and campaigns because there projects are working at government level. These projects do not motivating general public to keep their environment clean by themselves.

Purpose of cleanliness

Different types of waste are disposed of on streets, parks, rivers, etc, which are then burnt and spread toxic gases and smoke over residential areas, producing detrimental effect on public health. The heaps of garbage everywhere in the country are one of the major problems these days. The increasing use of disposable materials and packaging are all contributing to an increase in the amount of waste being created.

Solid waste generation in Pakistan ranges between 0.283 and 0.612 kg/capita/ day and the waste generation growth rate is 2.4 per cent per a year (Draft Environmental Assessment Report, Stockholm, November 1993).But in 2005, according to the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency; the average rate of waste generation from all types of municipal controlled areas varies from 1.896 to 4.29 kg/house/day in some major cities.

Presently it is estimate that 54,888 tons per day of solid waste is generated in Pakistan. The ministry of environment undertook study during 1996 on “Data collection for preparation of Solid Waste Management in eight selected cities of Pakistan”. According to this study the rate of waste generation on average from all types of Municipal controlled areas varies from 0.283 kg/capita/day to 0.613 kg/capita/day or from 1.896 kg/house/day to 4.29 kg/house/day in all those selected cities.

This clearly shows that the increase in waste generation is getting much higher every year. However, no proper and effective strategy has been devised so far to tackle waste in Pakistan. The main and most important purpose to choose this topic for campaign is that, we regularly observe in our surroundings that people not care for the cleanliness of their environment; people usually clean their own houses and their own places but they do not care for the cleanliness of the public places, streets, roads, educational institutions.etc. We choose this topic because it’s a very common problem in Pakistan. We are always seeing people throwing garbage at streets, road, public places, hospital, educational institutions etc. Plastic shopping bags are dangerous for the environment, so to aware the people not to use plastic shopping bags instead of this they have to use shopping bags made with paper.

People usually clean their own houses and not care for the garbage outside their homes and in streets. One of the purposes of this campaign is that to motivate the people not only clean their houses but also care for the cleanliness of their country.Rules are also made for cleanliness but people don’t follow them. Most of the time, people do not aware from these rules, our campaign purposes is that too aware the people from these rules. If there are strong rules and people have seen exemplary punishments or they have to pay fines for violation then they will definitely follow the rules to clean their community.

Many projects are there, but they are not enough to aware people. These projects are launched to clean cities, districts, educational institutions etc but there is lack of strong awareness campaigns to compel them to keep their environment clean. Due to this we are going to make a strong campaign which can help to aware the people and people not only clean their own places but also care the cleanliness of their surroundings. 

Significance of cleanliness

 Introduction of Cleanliness:
Cleanliness is the absence of dirt or undesirable substances which include bad smells, rubbish, dust, stains, dirt etc. Cleanliness is used in health and beauty, too. The term comes from the meaning of something lacking an odor, and has an avoidance of spreading dirt and contaminating others. Hence, cleanliness talks about something being clean. A developed and civilized nation always prefers cleanliness.

Islam and cleanliness:

“Cleanliness is half of the faith”

Islam places great emphasis on cleanliness, in both its physical and spiritual aspects. On the physical side, Islam requires the Muslim to clean his body, his clothes, his house, and the whole community, and he is rewarded by God for doing so. Islam insists on it, making it an indispensible fundamental of the faith. A Muslim is required to be pure morally and spiritually as well as physically. Through the Qur'an and Sunnah Islam requires the sincere believer to sanitize and purify his entire way of life.
In the Qur'an Allah commends those who are accustomed to cleanliness:

"Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean." (2: 22)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) advised the Muslims to appear neat and tidy in private and in public. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

"Removing any harm from the road is charity (that will be rewarded by Allah)." (Bukhari)

From this we can understand the importance of cleanliness in Islam.

Significance of cleanliness:
Cleanliness is very important in our life. Without it, many deceases attack in the society. A civilized nation always cares to clean not their own places but also for the cleanliness of the whole surroundings. A developed nation always follows the cleanliness rules.

Importance of cleanliness can be seen in following areas: 
Cleanliness in educational institutions:

Standards of cleanliness are not the same around the world, and people have different concepts of cleanliness. In times past, a clean, well ordered school environment in many countries helped students develop good habits of cleanliness. Some school grounds are so full of waste and trash that they resemble a garbage dump more than a place to play or exercise. Colleges, universities and other educational institutions are also not clean. 

Throwing wrappers in grounds, canteens and even in class rooms is a common practice. We need a strong campaign to aware and to compel them to maintain cleanliness. Educational institutions have great impact on the personality of any child. If in educational institutions children give instructions about cleanliness they always give preference to remain clean in their whole life.

Cleanliness in roads and streets, parks and public places etc:

Most of the Public places and parks are for relax and enjoyment of the people and they must be clean. In Pakistan, many public places are left messy and unsightly. 

                                                                                           Some industries pollute the environment. Pollution, however, is caused, not by faceless industries and businesses, but by people. People use to clean their own houses but throw the garbage out of their home. People use to throw wrappers out of their cars while driving.

Cleanliness in food, markets and restaurants etc:

For healthy life cleanliness is very important, we should always prefer to the germs free food. The importance of cleanliness cannot be overemphasized when it comes to our food whether we buy it at a market, eat it at a restaurant, or have a meal at a friend's home. 

A high standard of cleanliness is expected of those handling or serving the food we eat. Dirty hands, theirs or ours can be the cause of many sicknesses.

Cleanliness in hospitals:

Hospitals are the place where the diseased people cured from diseases. So it must be clean to safe the patients from the more complexity of the diseases. 

Another example of absence of cleanliness is our hospitals, unwashed hands among doctors and nurses may help explain why hospital patients develop infections that cost huge amount to cure diseases. So for all these areas cleanliness is very important in our daily life.